About Me

I went to Arcadia High School. I played football,basketball,and golf.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Rabbit and Squirrel Hunting

Two weeks ago in the middle of the week I decided that it would be fun to get a bunch of my friends together and go rabbit hunting in Arcadia. I went and talked to my friend Ray and brought it up and he wanted to do the same thing so we decided to invite a bunch of people to go on my land, Ray’s land, and my friend Chad’s land.
Saturday morning came; I woke up, ate some breakfast and waited for everyone to show up at my house. It was about ten thirty and everyone was there. Finally we decided to go to my land to start it off. We got there, loaded our guns and we were off. We walked over the hill and hit every brush pile and not a single rabbit came out. We kept walking and I happened to look up into a big oak tree and there was a red squirrel so I brought up my gun, shot, and watched the squirrel fall out of the tree. I walked over to it, picked him up, and through him in the back pack and kept hunting. We walked the rest of my land and didn’t see a single thing. We walked back to the truck and decided to go to my friend Chad’s land. We loaded up and took off for his land. Chad has land that is very good for hunting anything. We got to his land loaded our guns and we were off again. We walked for about an hour and a half and didn’t see a single thing. We walked back to the truck and Ray called his dad to see if it was alright to hunt on his land. His dad said it was fine, so we got in our vehicles and took off. We got to Ray’s and we were loading our guns. Suddenly a rabbit busted out and everyone that had bullets in their guns shot. No body hit the rabbit so we let him go. We walked for about two hours at Ray’s and in that short amount of time and a lot of walking we managed to get ten rabbits and two squirrels. With this it brought our total for the day to ten rabbits and three squirrels.
Anytime that we go rabbit and squirrel hunting it is tradition to take all of our kills to my house and clean them in my garage, and after they were all cleaned up I would fry up all of the meat and we all sit down and have a great meal with each other. So after we left Ray’s we all headed to my house and kept this tradition going.  This was a fun and eventful weekend and I had a great time with my friends and family.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog post, good grammar and I like the story. It was a little short though.
